Primary & Middle School

In the primary and middle school the International School Curriculum will be followed enriched with a variety or resources that provides concrete learning experiences.
The curriculum allows children to develop an interest in and understanding of the world around them, nurture the ability to analyze, reflect and communicate, build capacity for caring relationships, appreciation of arts and aesthetics, build like skills, attitude and responsibility towards work and facilitate livelihood in future. An integrated approach will ensure  that all forms of knowledge, perspective, and values have an equal place.  

Co-Curricular Activities & Extra-Curricular Activities
•  Diwali, Eid, Saraswati Puja, Navratri, Gandhi Jayanti, Janmashtami, Christmas, Makarsankranti, Mahashivratri, Ram Navmi.
•  Teachers' Day, Children's Day, Kshama Din, Krutangnata Din, Book Week, National Youth Day Celebration.

• Independence Day, Republic Day

•  Debate, Recitation, Creative Writing, Quiz, Story telling.